RAH (Reading At Home)

Homework & Report Card Grade
Directions are in the yellow Backpack Folder in the RAH plastic sleeve; please leave the sheets in there.
If you lose your original RAH calendar, scroll down and print a new one for the current month.  Tuck it back in your yellow Backpack Folder.
Report Card Standard
Reading:  Reads aloud with fluency, accuracy, and expression to support comprehension
What can you read?
library/personal books, children's magazines, Raz-Kids, i-Ready, ABC Mouse has books/click bookshelf on the left in the classroom screen, Epic during free hours
When is your calendar due?
The first or second school day of the new month before it is considered a late assignment
What do you earn?
Homework points, a higher report card grade, a book, and a pin
Ms. Macdonald's RAH Calendars 2023-2024
(Stays in the folder and looks different than other classes.)
Please print/recolor the PDF below, if current calendar was lost.