Daily Needs

Items Needed Daily:  None of the items below should stay at home.  Each item needs to come to school daily.

Backpack:  preferably ones on worn on the back with 2 shoulder straps  (IF you purchased one that rolls, please train your student to be EXTREMELY responsible with them.  Please teach them to be careful to not roll them through people without looking; rolling backpacks are dangerous due to being a tripping hazard to others.  Typical behaviors I've seen is rolling them over people's feet, stopping short causing the person behind them to trip over the rolling backpack, and leaving them unattended in the middle of a walkway.  So please train your student they must be very responsible with a rolling backpack.)

Backpack Folder (yellow) (Please only remove Keep at Home side items.)


Chromebook (FULLY charged)

Lunch/Lunch code


Water Bottle

100 % Fully Charged Chromebook