Behavior Policy

Rainbow Char


You might be wondering what your child means when he or she comes home from school and says, “I got on purple today!”  I monitor behavior in our class using the Rainbow Chart.  Every morning, each student begins the day on GREEN (Ready to Learn).  Students will move their clothespin up the chart to BLUE (Great), and finally PURPLE (Outstanding) for making good, positive choices.  Students who are on pink at the end of the day will receive a certificate and a ticket for the end of the week treasure chest drawing.  Students will move their clothespin down the chart to YELLOW (Think about it), to ORANGE (teacher’s choice) and then finally RED (Parent Contract) for making poor, negative choices.  After the 3rd Parent contract Note, students will receive a citation. 

       Good choices include following class rules, following directions, being model students, etc.  Poor choices include breaking class rules, getting off task, being disruptive, etc. If your child’s behavior turns around s/he will have the opportunity to move back up the Rainbow Chart. 

       Students receive a sticker at the end of each day if they are on purple or above.  They put their sticker on a calendar that is kept in their binder.  Students color in the day on the calendar if they are on green or below.  Calendars will be available to view daily.  At the end of each month it requires a parent signature and returned the following day.  After it is signed and returned students that received 4 or less yellow days in one month will get a special treat.  I encourage you to look over the calendar with your child and discuss his or her daily behavior.